Friday, March 5

My 1st

It's my first blog... I wonder, what would I wanted to start with... I was once asked yesterday what's my goal in life, and what I can consider success, then I ponder.

I ponder hard, harder, and then I went black. I wanted to be a happy person, would that be a enough? Now, I think deep, then I realize that what would I really want in life? I sought for life has to offer - gym, muay thai, singing, dancing, or my love for fashion?

Then, yes! I am confident I love fashion... but isn't it too late for now? It might be too late now, but the heck with it, life just too short to worry. For now, I know I have love for fashion and what a best way to enjoy it is to live and have fun with it.

My blog is my baby, my theraphy, over a cup of green tea frap, spare of water cup, and an almond muffin to enjoy! This blog contains my previews, forecasts, my hypes, and me, me, me.

Be sure to drop by next time, more hypes to load!

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